
Why Should You Take Note Of Colour Schemes In Your Garden?

Why Should You Take Note Of Colour Schemes In Your Garden?
19 Dec 2023

Garden and the colours you use in your garden are a huge part of landscaping. Through garden renovation, you would want to make your landscaping stand out. But to achieve this you need to pay acute attention to the colour scheme that you use in the garden. Even if you check on magazines or online for landscaping inspiration you will find the colours in the garden complement one another. There is no random mix-up of colours. If you want one of those artistic and aesthetic-looking gardens post renovation then you too should pay close attention to the colour palette or scheme you pick:

Keep A Green Base:

When you think about nature, the first hue that springs to mind is none other than green. Green may serve as the foundation hue for any garden renovation. This is because it will be the dominant hue in your landscape. As a result, the other hues in your landscape should complement the brilliant green tone.

Plan Colours In Sections:

Instead of building a flower bed with a random mix of colours to enhance the appearance of your landscape, develop areas for certain coloured flowers. This will keep the colour from blending with other colours and detracting from the overall appearance of your garden after renovations. This is why you should figure out the colours you want to use in specific parts. 

Cool Tones Or Warm Tones:

When you are introducing colours in your garden, you need to think carefully about the overall aesthetic of your property. Do you want your property to exude warm or cool tones? If the architecture of the property has a stony or geometric aesthetic, cooler garden tones will look better in the landscape. Whereas, a timber-made structure may look more prominent with complemented with warmer tones. This is another reason, why you should keep the colour theme in mind when selecting colours for your garden.

Don’t Shy Away From Bold Colours:

Just because we are stressing about choosing the right colours that doesn’t mean we are asking you to stay away from bold colours completely. You can pick bold red, purple and magenta. But place it in a manner that the bold colour can become the focal point of your garden renovation. Otherwise, it may lose its impact.

These are some of the reasons why, you should think about the colour schemes when you are introducing colours in your garden. The selection of colours you decide to go with can accentuate the look of your landscaping post garden renovation, or it can make it fall flat. You can also take the help of garden renovation experts to decide on the colours that will look the best in your landscape. 

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